
Improving Customer Service, MTF Medan Branch Moves to New Office

Monday, 21 December 2015

Improving Customer Service, MTF Medan Branch Moves to New Office

Medan, 18 December 2015 - Spreading its business wings Mandiri Tunas Finance is present with a new office in Medan City, inaugurated by MTF President Director Ignatius Susatyo, accompanied by Mr. Ivan Ferdinand Thanta, Head of Regional Region I MTF, all Regional I (One) Branch Managers, MTF employees and dealer partners, the event ran smoothly and successfully.


“I hope that the move to this new office can improve services for MTF customers,” said Ignatius Susatyo at the inauguration. On the other hand, employees are also expected to increase their enthusiasm and enthusiasm in serving customers.


Not only that, the move to a new, better office is expected to increase customers who entrust their motor vehicle loans to MTF.


Currently, the location of the MTF Medan branch office is at Graha MTF Medan: Jl. Black Crow Ringroad No. 104 ABC Ex. Tanjung Sari, Medan Selayang District.


“The presence of the new MTF office in Medan as a vehicle financing partner can improve the community's economy,” said Ignatius Susatyo.


MTF always wants to be a loyal partner in every financing you want. Apart from a complete financing program, MTF is also supported by a network of 92 branches and 21 satellite branches spread throughout Indonesia. For more complete information, contact our customer care at 1500059 for program information.