
Ramadhan Safari Arrives in Daeng City

Monday, 13 July 2015

Ramadhan Safari Arrives in Daeng City

Makassar, 7 July 2015 – The Ramadan Safari Roadshow series would not be complete if you had not visited the tourist city which is famous for Losari Beach, Makassar. The excitement of this series of Ramadan Safari events began with the distribution of tajil on the road, enthusiastic road users happily approached the booth right in front of the MTF Makassar branch office,  Jalan Veteran Selatan No. 311, Mamajang Dalam, Mamajang, Makassar. Not half-hearted, Mr. Ade Cahyo Nugroho as Director of PT Mandiri Tunas Finance and Mrs. Alfita Asmoro as Corporate Communication & Marketing Communication Dept. Head went straight to distributing Tajil to passing road users.


Not only tajil on the road, this series of events continued with the presence of children from the Fatahillah Orphanage, as a direct form of concern for Mr. Ade Cahyo Nugroho to provide compensation to the children – children from the orphanage. Joy and sweet smiles adorn every child who receives a gift from MTF.


Towards the main event, namely Breaking the Fast Together, MTF Makassar Branch presented a Ustadz as a spiritual soother, the event closed with great fanfare, the fast breaking meal was served in full, a spontaneous family atmosphere enveloped the branch office MTF Makassar.