
Mandiri Tunas Finance Records Solid Financial Performance in 2019

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Mandiri Tunas Finance Records Solid Financial Performance in 2019

Jakarta, March 5 2020 – PT Mandiri Tunas Finance (MTF), a financing company which is part of the Mandiri Group, is consistent in distributing motor vehicle financing as an effort to contribute to economic development in various regions throughout Indonesia.

Main Director of MTF Arya Suprihadi in a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday, March 5 2019 in Jakarta said,” We are grateful to be able to get through a year full of challenges with encouraging achievements. In the midst of slowing growth in the automotive industry, MTF managed to record an increase in terms of financing distribution, income, profits and assets while still being careful in keeping the non-performing loan ratio at a safe level. For this reason, we would like to express our gratitude to all stakeholders, both customers, shareholders, employees, regulators, work partners and all parties for various achievements both from financial and non-financial aspects. ”

2019 Financial Performance at a Glance

“Throughout 2019, MTF has disbursed new financing of IDR 28.8 trillion or an increase of 6.63% compared to new financing in 2018 of IDR 26.9 trillion. Apart from that, MTF also managed to record revenue of IDR 3.44 trillion, an increase of 10.3% compared to 2018 revenue of IDR 3.12 trillion. "Looking at the segments, the revenue consists of 80.01% from the retail segment and 19.9% from the fleet segment,"“ Arya added.

Meanwhile, geographically, the increase in income was mainly supported by an increase in income of 28.78% in the Kalimantan region and 15.82% in Sumatra (Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau and North Sumatra). The company also recorded a net profit of IDR 445.4 billion or an increase of 10.4% compared to the same period in 2018. Meanwhile, assets grew 4.68% compared to the same period in 2018, reaching IDR 18.3 trillion as of December 31 2019 compared to the previous period. amounting to IDR 17.5 trillion.

Despite aggressively encouraging business growth, MTF has still succeeded in maintaining credit quality, which is reflected in the Non-Performing Loan (NPL) level reaching 0.75%, which is an improvement from last year's NPL position of 0.83%.

2019 Non-Financial Achievements

“From a non-financial perspective, MTF has carried out various achievements, according to the company's plan, namely focusing on business excellence, operational excellence, andservice excellence. In 2019, MTF implemented improvements to the quality of customer service by opening a Customer Experience Lounge and launching chatbot Marsha. Marsha is a digital chatbot service which means MTF Assistant Virtual Your Friend. With Marsha, it is hoped that consumers will be able to interact more easily and obtain financing services from MTF.

MTF is also aggressively conducting product outreach through participation in automotive exhibition events such as exhibitions that MTF regularly holds in various cities in the country, namely MTF Autofiesta. To obtain financing services for customers, MTF provides various channels, including 102 branches throughout Indonesia, Customer Care 1500059, email .id, social media accounts (including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), as well as the website Apart from that, there is also the MTF Go application which makes it easier for consumers to get various information about MTF services.  

Ease of MTF's Latest Financing Facilities

MTF provides various facilities to make it easier for customers to obtain the necessary financing, including the Cash Aja product, which is a multipurpose product that helps consumers have cash funds for various needs such as home renovations, weddings, Umrah, travelling, education, health with guarantee your vehicle at MTF. In 2020, Cash Aja was enriched with the Top Up Express feature which allows customers to get financing quickly.

At the moment of its 11th anniversary, MTF launched 2 marketing programs for Motor Vehicle Credit Products (KKB), namely KKB Flex and KKB Elite. KKB Flex provides convenience with a down payment of only 11%, while KKB Elite provides 3.5% interest. During March to May 2020, MTF provides free 1 year flood insurance with legal liability (TJH) IDR 10 million.