
Now it's Samarinda's Turn to Share "Ta'jil On The Road"

Monday, 13 July 2015

Now it's Samarinda's Turn to Share "Ta'jil On The Road"

Jakarta, 9 July 2015 – During the Holy month of Ramadhan, several cities in Indonesia were visited by the directors of Mandiri Tunas Finance. The event entitled Safari Ramadhan this time also visited the city of Samarinda.


In Samarinda, it is not only breaking the fast together but there is also another agenda, namely sharing ta'jil. “Ta’jil On the Road” This was shared by Mr. Ade Cahyo Nugroho as MTF Finance Director, Mr. Bragent P. Tambunan as Head of Regional Region 8 (Kalimantan) and Head of MTF Samarinda Branch. Residents who passed by the MTF Samarinda Branch Office looked enthusiastic about receiving this ta'jil. After “Ta’jil On the Road”, Mr. Ade Cahyo Nugroho also broke the fast together with the employees of MTF Samarinda branch. Apart from that, this Ramadhan Safari also provides compensation to the children of the Asih Manuntung Orphanage. “Ta’jil On the Road” and providing compensation to children in orphanages is a form of MTF CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activity in sharing love in this month full of grace.


This CSR activity will not stop at sharing the ta'jil but will continue to be sustainable at other moments. Hopefully, through these CSR activities, not only MTF employees will feel the positive impact of MTF but also the wider community.