
CSR of Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia Social Home 4 Margaguna

Friday, 1 March 2013

CSR of Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia Social Home 4 Margaguna

As a form of concern for others and in the framework of the holy month of Ramadhan, on August 3 2012 representatives of PT Mandiri Tunas Finance employees visited the Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 4 Margaguna Social Home, Radio Dalam to provide comfort to the elderly and elderly in the home the social. The visit was also accompanied by the handover of donations in the form of basic necessities and cash as a form of MTF's Corporate Social Responsibility. Providing assistance from management was represented by Mrs. Alfita Asmoro as Corporate and Marketing Communication Dept. Head