

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


The 1to7 Wonders Program is a Lucky Draw Program with prizes for Customers and Dealer Salespeople, with Tour/Vacation Trip prizes

Program Implementation   : 15 August to 31 December 2015

Note                       : can be extended by 2 months taking into account the availability of vehicle units (Indent)

Program Draw           : March 2016 (Results info via MTF Website)

Amount of Prize             : 100 Holiday Tickets for Customers

                                     100 Vacation Tickets for Dealer Salespeople

Form of Prize              : 30 tickets to Cambodia, 30 tickets to India, 30 tickets to China, 30 tickets to France, 30 tickets to Italy, 26 tickets to England and 24 tickets to the USA.


Winner Requirements                 :

For Customers 

  1. Customers who take Credit at MTF during the Program Period
  2. This program applies to new car loans of all brands (Passanger & Commercial Car) and large motorbikes (Harley Davidson, BMW Motorrad and Zero)
  3. This program applies to all MTF Credit Packages, starting from 6 months to 7 years
  4. This program applies to individual and corporate customers
  5. Customers do not make installment arrears during the program period (maximum EPD 7 calendar days from the customer's installment due date)
  6. The draw uses the Customer Contract Number (Agreement ID)
  7. Name of Winner  based on  Name on Contract / Debtor
  8. If you are unable to do so, the winning customer can give the prize to a 3rd party with a customer statement on stamp duty


For Salespeople

  1. Wiranaga will get 1 holiday ticket, if the customer wins in the lottery program.
  2. The Salesperson's name is listed in the PT Mandiri Tunas Finance Internal System
  3. The purpose of the holiday gift is the same as the purpose of the holiday gift the customer receives
  4. If unable, the salesperson can give the gift to a 3rd party with a statement from the salesperson on stamp duty
  5. If during the Draw, the Salesperson has left the Dealership then the prize will be given to the Head  Dealer Branch or party appointed by Dealer management.


Mandiri KPM Products

​Lihat detail 2.331 / 5.000 Hasil terjemahan Hasil terjemahan
  1. Customers who take KPM Mandiri products are entitled to take part in this program. (same requirements as Requirements for Retail Package Customers)
  2. Especially for KPM Mandiri Products, Salespeople are not entitled to receive this program, this program is given to Bank Mandiri Employees who provide Mandiri Referrals.


Product Fleet

  1. Fleet Package Application  Those from Dealers, Customers or Salespeople are entitled to take part in this program.
  2. Fleet Package Application originating from Bank Mandiri, Customers and Referral Givers are entitled to take part in this program.
  3. The Draw No is binding on the Contract No, meaning 1 Contract if there are several units then it still counts as 1 Draw number


Other Questions  & Answer :

  • What if the application is in December 2015, but the new units can be realized in February 2016? à Policy: still be included in the draw in March 2016
  • Does the dealer have the right to determine participants / salespeople? à Policy: In accordance with the requirements for winners in the salesperson category, as long as the salesperson provides a power of attorney on stamp duty, it can be changed according to dealer policy.
  • Is the lottery limited to the vehicle segment or free? à Policy: In accordance with the requirements for winners in the customer category, all new car financing segments are included in the program (passanger, commercial pickup, commercial truck)  and for the large motorbike category it is limited to the Harley Davidson, BMW Motorrad and Zero brands
  • There is a request from Salespeople/Dealers who have been collaborating with MTF, requesting that applications in early August 2015 before the Program Period (15 August) can be entered into the 1to7Wonders Draw à permitted/allowed
  • What about applications at the end of July 2015 à cannot join the 1to7Wonders program, tolerance only in August 2015
  • For the Salesman Lottery, why not just give it to the Dealer? à Basically it doesn't matter, giving appreciation to salespeople so that salespeople are motivated to increase productivity, but if the lottery dealer policy is given to Spv/BranchManager/OM/GM/Directors, MTF can fulfill that request.