
MTF Goes To HighScope!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

MTF Goes To HighScope!

Jakarta, 16 September 2015 – Slowly but surely, MTF Corporate Communication is starting to embrace the younger generation through its newest CSR program entitled “MTF Goes To School”. Packaged in a relaxed and interactive manner in a talk show, the participants, who are still at high school level, can follow and absorb the material easily. For its first time, this program was carried out with great fanfare at HighScope which is located on Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 8, West Cilandak, Jakarta 12430.


The faces of the participants suddenly became enthusiastic when Alfita Asmoro as Corporate & MTF Marketing Communication explained the presentation. This presentation with the theme of sharing session with Alfita Asmoro discusses how to become a good Public Relations person within the scope of work in Corporate Communication and Marketing Communication. A shower of questions came after the completion of the presentation, proof of the success of the presentation that had been delivered. This is MTF's first step in motivating the nation's children and building MTF brand awareness among the younger generation. In the future, many events like this will be held as a form of MTF's concern for the nation's future generations.


“ This is a good step in embracing today's intelligent generation, apart from being able to educate them, it can also provide a glimpse of MTF globally.  This program can help them determine their goals – their dreams from an early age. We, the teachers from MTF, will continue to motivate them to be able to progress and develop in response to global challenges” Said Alfita Asmoro