
MTF Holds Public Lecture at USU Medan

Friday, 23 October 2015

MTF Holds Public Lecture at USU Medan

Medan, 23 October 2015 - Showing its concern for the world of education, especially financial literacy, MTF held a public lecture at one of the largest universities in Medan, University of North Sumatra. Playing a role in educating the younger generation, especially students, MTF held an event entitled “Teaching Directors” to get to know the world of financing business in more depth. 


With the theme "Getting to know more about the business of financing companies", this program is carried out by MTF on an ongoing basis. The University of North Sumatra is the third campus where this program is held, out of five universities targeted by MTF by the end of 2015.


Not only did it receive an enthusiastic welcome from hundreds of students who filled the halls of the Faculty of Economics and Business, but also this program also supports OJK regulations regarding Financial Literacy Education.


“This program is a face-to-face event for MTF with students to be able to provide education about the finance company business as preparation for entering the world of work which is packaged in an interesting and fun way, as well as introducing MTF as one of the largest finance companies in Indonesia to students and academics,” said Harjanto Tjitohardjojo, Marketing Director of Mandiri Tunas Finance.


In the future, Harjanto added, through the “Teaching Directors” The younger generation can learn more about the vehicle financing sector, especially MTF. (idris)