
6500 participants celebrated the MTF Family Gathering in Prambanan Yogyakarta

Monday, 16 May 2016

6500 participants celebrated the MTF Family Gathering in Prambanan Yogyakarta

As a form of MTF appreciation to employees for last year's achievements, MTF held a family gathering. Prambanan Temple was the location for holding the MTF Family Gathering because it is full of cultural heritage values, this is in line with the theme of this activity, namely &ldquo ;Dreaming, Struggling, Having Fun Together with the MTF Family to Build Indonesia”. More than 6,500 participants poured into Prambanan Temple's Brahma Field.

This activity is routinely held to provide joy to employees and their families. At this moment, a series of interesting events will be displayed, including art parades and street performances, mountains of prizes, flash mobs, night markets which will be enlivened with various games and traditional culinary delights. , and one of the most anticipated is the performance of the band Nidji at the top of the event.

The entire MTF board of directors was present at this festive event including Susatyo Wijoyo as main director, Ade Cahyo Nugroho as finance director, Harjanto Tjitohardjojo as marketing director, at this moment Bank Mandiri President Director Kartiko Wirjoatmodjo will also be present in the middle MTF extended family. Sharing the happiness of this activity, MTF distributed many prizes and door prizes that could be obtained by employees who took part in the Family Gathering. Attractive prizes that will be given include cars, motorbikes, TVs, refrigerator, shopping voucher and smartphone.